Monotype love, love, love...oh and Collage too!

Welcome and glad you found me. And what is a Monotype, you ask? Ink is applied using a brayer, along with brushes and other implements onto the surface of a clear acrylic plate.

A moistened piece of printmaking paper is placed over the plate and run through a press creating ONE print. Each monotype print is thus unique and one of a kind. It is a magical process, full of surprises, which is part of it’s wonderful appeal and serendipity.

What's new bringing Collage back into my life again — a technique that is allowing me to focus on shape, color, line, as I always do, but with cut paper — whether it's cut up monotypes, saturated silk screened paper, or newly and with a passion, acrylic gouache painted paper. Loving it's emergence and new depth of exploration.

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